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Wheelhouse “Between the Beats” Summer BBQ, 2014

The event

Wheelhouse Between the Beats for MADD Edmonton


This summer your friends at Wheelhouse Productions have a very special treat for all you fine folks in the Edmonton area.

With support from our very own Wheelhouse DJ’S, a few special guests, and Joy One SoundSystem we are proud to announce the “Wheelhouse Between The Beats Summer BBQ” July 12th!

There will be food available, bbq’s blazin’, tunes rockin’ and people dancing in support of a mighty fine cause. This is a FREE event with all proceeds going to MADD Edmonton.

Stay tuned for updates, special guest announcements and more Wheelhouse extras as the event nears!

“This event was founded on the belief that while music has brought us together, it is the love and strength between all of these musically oriented events that has helped shape the individuals of our ever growing music community into a powerful entity, whose Wheelhouse is defined by the strength and love it has provided each”

-In loving memory of Sarah Euler-


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